Active learning modules (ALMs)

There will be two active learning modules taking place across the two-day program: 

1. Chronic respiratory conditions ALM – FULL
Developed in partnership with the Lung Foundation and the RACGP Queensland Education Committee
(Sessions 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A and 6A) – Some places available in individual sessions
2. Musculoskeletal/Pain ALM – FULL
Developed by the RACGP Queensland Education Committee
(Sessions 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B and 6B) – Some places available in individual sessions

Delegates wishing to complete an ALM during the conference must pre-register for all associated program sessions for the ALM during the online registration process. Places in the ALM are limited and are on a first-in basis. 

Provided that GPs register for and attend the six (6) sessions of the ALM (six sessions of one hour = six hours), you are eligible for 40 Category 1 QI&CPD points. Delegates will also need to complete the predisposing and reinforcing activities before the ALM points are allocated.

QI&CPD points

Depending on QI&CPD requirements for the 2017–19 triennium, GPs can choose between earning as many points as possible or picking and choose different sessions based on their individual interests. 

Option 1: Earn up to 53 QI&CPD points unavailable

1. Register for one of the above ALMs 
2. Choose CPR for one of your workshops
3. Attend a second hands-on procedural workshop (listed below)
4. Attend the keynote plenary and research plenary

Option 2: Pick and choose to earn up to 24 QI&CPD points

1. Pick and choose six hours of sessions across four streams of clinical and business topics
2. Register for two of the below hands-on procedural workshops
3. Attend the keynote plenary and research plenary

Education workshops

There are eight workshops available within the event program with limited numbers available.

Delegates wishing to complete a mandatory CPR workshop as part of the requirements for the 2017–19 triennium may select either CPR workshop 3 or 4 (Friday) or CPR workshop 7 or 8 (Saturday). 

Friday 3 May 2019 workshops

Workshop 1: Communication skills and disease self-management 
Workshop 2: Ultrasound basics 
Workshop 3: CPR (HTLAID001) 
Workshop 4: CPR (HTLAID001) 

Saturday 4 May 2019 workshops

Workshop 5: Suturing refresher 
Workshop 6: Procedural management options for musculoskeletal pain (separate to the musculoskeletal ALM) 
Workshop 7: CPR (HTLAID001) 
Workshop 8: CPR (HTLAID001)

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Ltd (RACGP) ABN 34 000 223 807
100 Wellington Parade
East Melbourne, Victoria 3002 Australia

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