Presentation types

The table below explains what each of the presentation types in the program mean.

Informative presentation types

Presentation type Duration Description
In-practice 10 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A
(15 minutes in total)
In-practice presentations are brief, impactful sessions which provide an opportunity for presenters to share experiences and lessons learned from their own clinical case(s). In-Practice presentations are based on an in-depth investigation of an individual, group or event to explore the causes of underlying principles. 
Rapid impact 3 minutes + 2 minutes Q&A
(5 minutes in total)
Rapid impact presentations present details of an academic study or from practitioners wanting to present findings from a new initiative or service evaluation. Rapid impact presentations are limited to one presenter, and a single static PowerPoint slide.
Research presentation 10 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A 
(15 minutes in total) 
Research presentations are brief, impactful sessions which provide an opportunity for presenters to share cutting edge research. Research presentations are designed to promote new developments across a range of topics, covering both the theory and execution of primary care.














Interactive presentation types

Presentation type Description
Professional forum Professional forums allow extended discussion of contemporary issues relevant to family medicine and primary care. Typically, it involves a group of presenters who present for a short period, followed by discussion and debate. Alternative narrative and delivery styles including poetry, song or dance will also be considered.
Round table Roundtables are short paper presentations followed by a facilitated in-depth discussion on a particular topic. Roundtable presentations include a 5-to-10-minute presentation introducing the topic, followed by discussion and feedback from participants. Each facilitator oversees their discussion group, but most will include a short introductory presentation (5-to-10 minutes), a discussion (45-to-50 minutes) and a conclusion (5 minutes).
Skills-building session Skill-building sessions are ‘mini workshops’ that offer fast-tracked learning and are intended to offer specific practical advice and guidance on a particular aspect of practice. Skill-building sessions demonstrate skills or techniques, provide participants a hands-on experience with how to use or apply these, and are a forum for presenting work of an applied nature on any topic relevant to family medicine / primary care













