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Healthy Community - Saturday Morning

Arena 2
Saturday, October 13, 2018
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Arena 2


Dr George Forgan-Smith
George Forgan-Smith

Accessible and engaging multimedia patient education: the secrets to success

10:45 AM - 11:15 AM



Dr George Forgan-Smith is a gay mens health and medical educator who has enjoyed teaching from Stanford to Australia empowering doctors and patients.
Dr Hwee Sin Chong
Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service

Stimulating interest in rural general practice career during internship

11:15 AM - 11:30 AM



Dr Chong is a qualified FRACMA and is responsible for the award winning Queensland Rural Generalist Program
A/Prof Michelle Guppy
University of New England

Chronic kidney disease in General Practice- GPs' current practice with respect to the guidelines

11:30 AM - 11:45 AM



Michelle Guppy is Associate Professor of General Practice at the School of Rural Medicine, University of New England, and Conjoint with the University of Newcastle. She is a practising GP in Armidale. Michelle has been involved in rural undergraduate medical education in Armidale since 2003. She is Year 3 Chair of the Joint Medical Program.
Mrs Kathryn Duggan
Hunter New England and Central Coast PHN

Barriers and enablers to cancer screening: A primary care perspective from the HNECC PHN

11:45 AM - 12:00 PM



Kathryn has worked with the PHN specializing in Cancer Screening for the past 2 years. She has a background in Public Health and Health Promotion.
A/Prof Nancy Sturman
University if Queensland

Registrar-initiated oversight support and advice in general practice: when and how do registrars seek help?

12:00 PM - 12:15 PM



A/Prof Sturman is the Deputy Director of the Primary Care Clinical Unit at the University of Queensland, and works part-time clinically for UQ Health

Disclaimer: This program is subject to change. Register for GP18 or visit the gp18.com.au website for further conference details.
