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Healthy Patient - Friday Morning

Arena 2
Friday, October 12, 2018
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Arena 2


Herbert Down
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

Gastroenterology update for GPs

10:45 AM - 11:25 AM


Herbert Down, Director of Clinical Care Standards at the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care will provide an overview on two clinical care standards the Commission has recently released for colonoscopy. These were developed in partnership with clinicians, researchers and consumers.
Dr Ecushla Linedale
Gastroenterological Society of Australia

IBS Made Easy

11:25 AM - 12:15 PM


Dr Ecushla Linedale is a researcher at the University of Adelaide and the Project Manager of IBS4GPs -an e-tool to support management of IBS, which aims to facilitate the rapid translation of her doctoral research into practice. Ecushla’s focus is the evidence-based design, implementation and evaluation of systems of care.

Assoc Prof Chris Hogan has been a GP since 1979 & is now an Honorary Clinical Associate Professor at Melbourne Uni & a supervisor for RVTS- rural vocational training service. He is a member of the Medical Advisory Committee of Coeliac Australia, has had multiple roles in RACGP & is now a member of Victoria Faculty Board & the National Archives Committee.

Disclaimer: This program is subject to change. Register for GP18 or visit the gp18.com.au website for further conference details.
