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GSK breakfast session

Arena 1A
Arena 1B
Arena 2
Foyer A Presentation Room
Foyer F Presentation Room
Central Room A
Central Room B
Central Room C
Room 5
Room 6
Friday, October 12, 2018
7:00 AM - 8:15 AM
Central Room A


This session is presented by A/Prof Michael Nissen, Ms Eliza Ault-Connell, Prof Paul van Buynder and Dr Lisa Beecham.


Michael Nissen

What you [and parents] need to know about Meningococcal disease

7:00 AM - 8:15 AM



Assoc Professor Michael Nissen Director, Scientific Affairs & Public Health, GSK Asia Pacific region Before GSK, Prof. Nissen was Director of Infectious Diseases at the Royal Children’s Hospital and a practicing Clinical Microbiologist. He was also a past full member of the Australian Technical Advisory Group for Immunisation (ATAGI) from 2007 to 2013. He has over 170 peer-reviewed medical publications and book chapters on topics including epidemiology and bacterial infection prevention by vaccination.

Eliza Ault-Connell Eliza is a director of Meningococcal Australia, a not-for-profit organisation that raises awareness about meningococcal disease.

Professor Paul van Buynder Professor Paul Van Buynder is a Public Health physician with the Gold Coast Health Service. His research interests include vaccine effectiveness studies with new enhanced influenza vaccines, and the evaluation of programs and marketing to maximise vaccine coverage. He has over 50 refereed book chapters and articles.

Dr Lisa Beecham Dr. Lisa Beecham has been managing her practice since 1997, after studying at the University of QLD in Brisbane followed by 5 years of training in Paediatrics at the Royal Children’s Hospital. She enjoys seeing children from birth to teenage years and has extensive experience working with child patients. Her interests include Child health / Paediatrics, Immunisations, Diabetes management, Women’s health and Skin cancer screening programs. She is a member of General Practice Gold Coast (GPGC), an association supporting general practice to improve the health outcomes of the Gold Coast population. She is also a member of the Immununisation Committee for Gold Coast Primary Health Network and attends regular updates on Immunisations

Disclaimer: This program is subject to change. Register for GP18 or visit the gp18.com.au website for further conference details.
